It is well known that the prime numbers are equidistributed in arithmetic progressions. Such a phenomenon is also observed more generally for a class of arithmetic functions. A key result in this context is the Bombieri-Vinogradov theorem which establishes that the primes are equidistributed in arithmetic progressions ``on average" for moduli in the range for any . In , building on an idea of Maier, Friedlander and Granville showed that such equidistribution results fail if the range of the moduli is extended to for any . We discuss variants of this result and give some applications. This is joint work with Aditi Savalia.
In this talk, we construct elliptic analogues of the rook numbers and file numbers by attaching elliptic weights to the cells in a board. We show that our elliptic rook and file numbers satisfy elliptic extensions of corresponding factorization theorems which in the classical case was established by Goldman, Joichi and White and by Garsia and Remmel in the file number case. This factorization theorem can be used to define elliptic analogues of various kinds of Stirling numbers of the first and second kind, and Abel numbers.
We also give analogous results for matchings of graphs, elliptically extending the result of Haglund and Remmel.