We are back to our usual time with a talk by Galina Filipuk all the way from Warsaw, Poland. Please note that we will be open to changing the time, since speakers from the US find this time to be very inconvenient, and we surely would like speakers from the US. The discussions in the previous talk went quite late into the night (for New Zealand) and we thank Shaun Cooper for a very nice talk.
Title: (Quasi)-Painleve equations and Painleve equivalence problem
Speaker: Galina Filipuk (University of Warsaw, Poland)
When: Feb 16, 2023, 4:00 PM- 5:00 PM IST (11:30 CET in Warsaw)
Where: Zoom: Please write to sfandnt@gmail.com for the link.
Painleve equations are second order nonlinear differential equations solutions of which have no movable critical points (algebraic singularities). They appear in many applications (e.g., in the theory of orthogonal polynomials) but in disguise. How to find a transformation to the canonical form? This is known as the Painleve equivalence problem.
The so-called geometric approach may help in many cases.
The so-called geometric approach may help in many cases.
In this talk I shall present some recent results on the geometric approach for the Painleve and quasi-Painleve equations.
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